Tooth Filling Side Effects?

Tooth-filling side effects are not common but can include pain, sensitivity, and inflammation. Most people who have tooth fillings experience no problems. Are you considering getting a tooth filling? While fillings are a common dental procedure, it’s important to be…

When Did They Stop Using Mercury Fillings

When Did They Stop Using Mercury Fillings

Mercury fillings were phased out in the late 1990s due to concerns over their potential health risks. The decision to stop using mercury fillings was based on research showing that they could release harmful mercury vapor into the body. This…

Which Filling is Best for Teeth?

Which Filling is Best for Teeth?

As a dentist, I often encounter patients grappling with the decision of choosing the right dental filling for their teeth. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the various types of dental fillings available, helping you make an informed…