Why is It Called Wisdom Teeth?

Why is It Called Wisdom Teeth

  Wisdom teeth are called so because they usually appear during adolescence or early adulthood, when a person is believed to have gained some wisdom. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, get their name because they typically erupt between…

Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

The benefits of keeping wisdom teeth include improved chewing ability and maintaining the structure of the jawbone. When wisdom teeth are properly aligned and have enough space to grow, they can function like any other molars in the mouth, contributing…

Wisdom Teeth Removal After 30

Wisdom Teeth Removal After 30

Wisdom teeth removal after 30 is a common dental procedure necessary to prevent complications. As adults age, wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding or become changed, leading to pain and infection if left untreated.   Additionally, the older a person is,…